-Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Distance may make the heart grow fonder, but kindness makes the heart grow bigger. I have been thinking a lot lately about kindness, and how much we need it from others in our life.
Such a simple thing, really. Being kind to someone.
A kind word, a simple gesture, a helping hand.
Think about it, if every person on this planet made an effort to show kindness towards another person in some way, even just once a day, this world would be a better place without much effort.
The old saying, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me", well I don't believe it for one minute. Words can be so cruel, yet they can also be so uplifting. No matter how much you may regret and try to take back unkind words to a friend or loved one, the memory of it is always there. Thinking, before we speak, is something that should always be on our minds.
I have been making an effort to be conscious of how I speak to those around me, taking care to show kindness in both my tone and choice of words.
Think of it this way, your kind words to a stranger may be the only nice things they hear all day. That is powerful, and words are very powerful. As much as a kind word or two can make someone's day, hurtful, offensive words can do just the opposite.
It is so important, that each and every day we treat each other with respect, and most importantly, kindness. I am a firm believer in the old saying, "if you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all". I think that was Thumper in "Bambi" (smile).
It has been a busy two weeks for me, and blogging hasn't fit in well with my schedule. Along with my job, I have been doing some baking, a few small candy bar projects, and a little work in my yard. Last weekend, was my birthday, and my family was sure to make it special.
I missed not being able to celebrate with my oldest daughter, Kristil, who is away at college. She made sure to celebrate my birthday anyway though, her gifts to me were a gift certificate to Williams Sonoma, and a promise to take me out for lunch while she is home for her Spring break. My youngest daugter,, Alyssa bought me a beautiful little journal from one of my favorite artists, Becky Kelly. She wrapped the gift so beautifully, it really made me smile, I think she may be taking after her old mom. We also went to dinner and a movie (courtesy of my co-workers and boss), where my daughter insisted I bring my gift in to the restaurant so they would know it was birthday and be sure to sing to me. My girls are so thoughtful and I am proud of the way they are growing up.
She even made the card :)
Together, they made me a CD with music they thought I would like. They like to keep me up to date with the latest music.
My parents took my daughter and I to a lovely lunch and gave me wonderful gifts.
Overall, it was a wonderful weekend, filled with much kindness.
An order this past weekend, for cupcakes for 5 year-old Lexi's birthday.
Wishing you kindness and Happy thoughts,
Popping over from a blog comment you made today? ;) love blog! and true true ... kindness is hard to find these days! I am now following your blog!
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